Know Who "They" Are ...

We've all heard that term at one time or another. "They" said this or that or another. One thing I've noticed over the years when "They" show up it's usually to seek my vote, attention, money, influence and so on. "They" also show up at key times in your life and during important life making decisions. So, Who? exactly are "They" - Here's what the Webster dictionary shows- 
- used to refer to 2 or more people
- people in general
-used to refer to a person(s) of unspecified gender

We'll I'm a reasonable guy but to be honest "They" is a bit vague, especially when someone or something wants me to agree with their perspective, sign a contract, place a vote etc... 

Case In Point: Some years back a movie was produced and made Box Office Sales History!! by Producer/Actor Mel Gibson, and the Lead Role Portrayed by Actor Jim Caviezel. The Movie, "Passion Of The Christ". and of course "They" showed up... "They" ( the powers at be in media and many others) "They" said...They'll Never Work Again in This Business, They're careers are over and so on... We'll "They" we're clearly wrong. Both Mel and Jim have gone on to produce and star in many movies and programs since. 

My Point you may ask... When you are presented with "They" before hopping on board the happy train to the unknown, collect some facts and information then proceed accordingly. In the long run you'll be glad you did and will likely succeed, and... come out a winner, with far less battle scars than if you didn't. Here's a link to help jog your memory from The Greatest Love Story Ever Told πŸ˜‰πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Official HD Movie Trailer Link:

If perhaps my point is still not your cup of tea... might I suggest you do some further reading and research on the matter. I most definitely do not want to be considered as "They"... πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

Warm Regards,


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