Our School's Should Be A Safe Place
A Safe Place Where Kid's Can Learn and Grow!! ... and enter society as grown adults bringing new ideas, fresh perspectives and more.... We'll sadly it seems today this simply isn't so... Unless you live in "Who-Ville" and are living life completely off the grid, we're experiencing a much different outcome. Why? we'll in my opinion as a society we've lost perspective on basic social norms, and our moral compass for living. Some years back our elected officials in an effort not to offend people "they" decided it was necessary to remove "GOD" and "PRAYER" from daily classroom activities?? π€Though watching the news is on the lowest priority of my day, I do try to stay abreast on general happenings daily. We'll if you read the newspaper, watch the local tv news and weather, or visit the web to catch up you'll see our school systems across the country are in a "Hot Mess" my heart truly goes ...